About Me

I am a mother of two beautiful daughters. I currently work in the health care field and am a student studying my passion of the human psyche. (Psychology) I wish for all to be as healthy as possible; Mind, Body and Soul.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Weight Loss Website 2:1


A friend of mine just recently introduced me to a new weight loss website called http://www.sparkpeople.com/. Over the last year or so I have put on a few extra pounds. Being a single mother, going back to college and working a full time night job has taken its toll on my body. Their never seems to be enough time in the day to accomplish all my regular tasks, let alone find time to exercise. My sleeping patterns have become erratic, with little 2-3 hour naps being taken in between classes and work. I have on more than a few occasions opted for the easier "fast food", rather than making a more time consuming healthier meal. During my work hours from 7 pm-7am, the only things open are 7-11 and fast food restaurants, so Wendy's usually ends up as lunch. When I finally do get a day off, it's spent sleeping, spending time with my family, or trying to catch up on housework or homework.

I finally reached an all time high. Things had to change. What started off as a few extra pounds slowly began to become something extremely unhealthy for me. My blood pressure was beginning to go up, my feet were starting to swell, and I was becoming out of breathe after simple tasks. The last straw came when I had to go buy all new clothes because none of what I had would fit anymore. I didn't want this weight to become something permanent I would keep with me. I've never had to worry about these issues before, so this change really scared me. When a friend recommended this site, I was a bit skeptical. Another weight loss gimmick, another weight loss website. I've seen them all, but I decided to check it out.

I was very pleasantly surprised. You have to sign up and become a member, however, membership is free. You fill out a brief questionairre, which goes over your current weight and goal weight and the amount of time you would like to lose it. It gives you your BMI and what is healthy for your sex and height. You are also asked to input other goals you would like to accomplish. I chose to work out for 30 minutes of cardio, 3 times per week as one of my goals. It has a nutrition tracker that you input your daily food intake, or  you can opt to follow along on their recommended diet which will help you to lose the weight you have chosen.

They have newsletters you can sign up for that goes along with your particular interests. The newsletters can be sent to your email or phone. They also have an app that is downloadable to your phone. It allows you to input the foods you consume, on the spot. It also allows you to input your physical activity. They have an area on the website to input physical activity as well. They have recommended workouts or you can input your own excercises. It will automatically figure out your calories burned. The site is filled with information, from recipes to exercise demonstrations, to informative and inspirational stories and videos. 

The component I feel is so helpful on this site is the interaction between the other members, as well as the accountability of the website itself. I found myself not wanting to eat certain foods, knowing that I would have to record them into my diary of foods. I also felt obligated to complete the excercises scheduled on my calandar. The times I did forgot to record the food I had consumed, I was sent a text message asking if that was really all I had ate for the day? I think this is a great site for someone who is serious about losing weight. It has many ways of motivating and helping the individual with accomplishing their goals. I would definately recommend it. I know it has helped me.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Friend, My Pet 1:3

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself.

                            - Josh Billings

I chose to address pets under the topic of “soul.” The reason being is because I believe that pets have just as much love, soul, and heart as human beings, in some cases more. Every animal has their own unique personality. Pets will show love under any circumstance, no matter how badly they have been treated. They truly are man’s best friend.

It has been shown that people with pets live longer, healthier, happier lives than people without. Ways in which pets add meaning to our lives is by being funny. I’m sure all of you can remember at least one event with a pet that made you laugh. We all have some sort of funny pet story. In my own experience, my boxer “Chai” used to curl up in a little ball and look up at me with these sad puppy dog eyes every time I would try to scold him. The sight of this huge dog rolled into a tiny ball was enough to make me forget about why I was mad and start to laugh.

Pets distract us from our everyday worries and complaints. They are there for us when we are sick, depressed, angry, or upset. They continue to show love and support through it all and are always there to listen. This is why many nursing homes are allowing the senior citizens to visit with therapy dogs. It brings life and excitement back into the lives of the dying. Some believe pets have a sixth sense that allows them to know when one is ill and need special attention. There have been cases where a pet has actually saved the life of their owner by alerting them to impending danger. Check out this awesome story of one such case. In some cases they have died protecting their owner. Pets reduce stress in dealing with difficult situations.

I’m sure we can all look back to a happy childhood memory that involved a pet. For many they were our first true friendship. And I’m sure we can all remember the loss of a beloved pet and the pain that was just as traumatic as losing a family member. Pets bring us back to reality and remind us of the love we all have inside. I have seen many grumpy old men come to life upon seeing a dog wanting to befriend them. I believe pets were sent from God as true companions for our lonely souls. Some might call them Angels in disguise.

The Effects of Stress in Our Life 1:2


Stress is unfortunately a part of life. We all go through it at some point in our lives, but it’s how we deal with it that really matters. Some stress can be beneficial and motivate us to accomplish demanding tasks. Our bodies are designed to chemically and physically react when faced with a situation that we deem confrontational or hazardous. The "fight or flight" response kicks in as a defense mechanism when faced with danger. This goes back to caveman days when a man was approached by a wild animal, he either had to fight the animal or run for his life in order to survive. It is in our biological drive to survive and procreate. The human body is actually genius in the way it prepares for these altercations.

During these times, the brain neurons begin to fire and chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol are released into the bloodstream. These stress hormones cause the body to react dramatically. The pupils dilate and you begin to have tunnel vision. Hearing is diminished. Your heart begins to beat faster and blood pressure starts to increase. Breathing increases and muscles become tense. The mouth goes dry and digestion begins to slow. Energy is used toward muscles needed for the “fight or flight” and those not needed relax, which can cause diarrhea, urination or defecation. The blood vessels are constricting and oxygenated blood is being diverted from the extremities to the major organs. This causes the hands and feet to become cold and clammy. There is trouble focusing, processing information, making rational decisions, and memory loss.

This defense mechanism, that once helped to protect and preserve us from predators, has now become a common occurrence for most Americans. We are faced with the daily stresses of the modern world and the body adapts by being in a constant “fight or flight" response. Continuously being bombarded with stress hormones takes its toll on the body. Prolonged stress suppresses the immune system, which can accelerate the disease process and predispose us to certain illnesses. It also affects the mind. Our focus is directed elsewhere and we are not operating at our full potential. Constant stress is displayed by anger, negativity, sadness, fear and depression. Eventually it will lead the person to burnout.

Some ways of handling stress, are to address your perception of it. Try to perceive things differently. Look at things through a different positive light instead of a negative one. Learn from your mistakes and see stress as a learning tool. Perceive stress as a challenge for self-improvement. We also need to prioritize stress. A friend once told me regarding marriage, you have to pick and choose your battles. Some are just not worth getting upset about. There’s a great book out there "Dont Sweat the Small Stuff" by Richard Karlson that addresses some of these issues. We also need to examine our "locus of control". Who has control over events that happen in our lives? If your locus of control is from an outside source you may start to show learned helplessness. A very basic and important role in managing stress, is to simply breathe slowly and deeply. This tricks the body into calming down and moving into the parasympathetic mode.

Another great website regarding managing stress is http://www.thebodysoulconnection.com/EducationCenter/fight.html. Please take the time to read and breathe yourself into a healthy mind, body, and soul.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Are All Of These Vitamins Really Necessary? 1:1


I recently went to GNC to purchase some vitamins. I figured I needed to update my vitamin stock from the usual grocery store purchases. I walked in and was overwhelmed with all the different choices. The entire wall was bottle upon bottle of different options. They all had different labels as to what their uses were. HELP!!

It seems as if society today has kick-started this tremendous effort to “get healthy.” The prevalence of overweight and obese adults in the United States is currently at 68.0% according to JAMA. This is an incredibly high number. With this amount of overweight adults, it’s no surprise that there is a ton of new information out there regarding vitamins, diets, exercise, supplements, gyms, weight-loss surgeries, etc. We’re also bombarded with gimmicks and “quick-fixes” on a daily basis. You can’t turn on the TV or radio without hearing of something regarding nutrition or weight loss. There is a lot of great advice out there, but how do we know what is necessary in terms of vitamins and supplements?

So overall, it seems what is necessary for one is determined more by specific needs than anything else. There are vitamins and supplements that target immunity, eye health, bone and joints, cardiovascular health, sleep aids, sexual health, urinary tract health, energy and mood stabilizers, memory and focal aids, anti-oxidants, cleansing and detoxing aids, probiotics for digestive health, hair and nail growth, prenatal care, low iron, neurological health and of course, who wouldn’t want glossy hair and soft skin? Obviously we can’t be a hypochondriac and take all of these vitamins and supplements or our urine would be glowing brighter than an 80’s mini-skirt. Taking an excess of vitamins can also lead to toxicity, especially in fat-soluble vitamins, which accumulate in the body and those containing iron.

According to Dr. Oz, who is a top cardiothoracic surgeon and professor at Columbia University, his daily recommendations for women are as follows:

  • A multivitamin containing: 
  • Vitamin A—Critical for healthy vision and skin 
  • Vitamin B—A metabolism booster 
  • Vitamin C—Keeps your immune system strong, especially important during cold and flu season 
  • Vitamin D—Promotes healthy bones (and your immune system) 
  • Vitamin E—For healthy development of muscles and brain function 

         Promotes absorption of calcium and bone health 
         Boosts immune function 
         Reduces inflammation 
         Healthy neuro-muscular function 
         Protects against some forms of cancer 

Vitamin D can be produced naturally in the body when you are exposed to sunlight. 10-15 minutes per day will produce the amount needed by the body. If you can’t get in the sun, another good alternative is drinking fortified milk. The daily dose for women aged 0-50 is 5 mcg or 200 international units. 1 cup of fortified milk contains about 100 units of Vitamin D.

  •  Omega 3’s--Brain, heart and eye health (women’s daily dose is 1,000 mg)
I recently purchased some Omega-3 Soft Chews from GNC that are absolutely wonderful! They taste like an orange creamcicle, with the consistency of a starburst. Each one contains 120 mg of Omega-3 fatty acid. What a great way to get your fish oil!  



I have not addressed other minerals and nutrients needed by our bodies, such as, calcium, potassium, fiber and magnesium, however, these are also important for our bodies. The best option would obviously be to get the recommended daily vitamins and minerals from our food alone. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean dairy, seafood, lean meats, grains, nuts and lentils is the optimal choice. Supplementing would be an option if one cannot get all their recommended nutrients through diet alone.

So everyone please get out there and take a walk! Not only will you be improving your cardiovascular health, but you’ll be getting your daily dose of Vitamin D as well!! God Bless and Happy Healthy “Living Under the Influence!!”


