About Me

I am a mother of two beautiful daughters. I currently work in the health care field and am a student studying my passion of the human psyche. (Psychology) I wish for all to be as healthy as possible; Mind, Body and Soul.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Lucky Number. 7:3


We all have our superstitions and lucky items. For some people it's inanimate objects like a lucky shirt or ring, for others it could be a lucky ritual. My brother and his wife will eat at the same restaurant before they go gambling. They believe if they don't, they will break the cosmic alignment of their lucky pattern in Black Jack.

Superstitious behavior goes back many, many years, in fact, the latin word for superstition was found to have been used in the 1st century BC. Some religions go hand in hand with superstition and some consider it to be sinful because it is a lack of trust in God and is a violation of the first commandment. Research shows that when one has a lucky or superstitious item and they carry it with them, they in turn do better at the tasks at hand. This is probably due to a false sense of security and power of suggestion. The mind is very powerful.

My lucky number is 3. I started noticing around age 30 that at certain times in my life, everywhere I looked I would see some form of the number 3. At first I blew it off and chalked it up to chance, and then it seemed to be thrown in my face. There were several times I would wake in the middle of the night from a dream and the clock would read 3:33. I was once on vacation with a friend sharing a room and it occured. I screamed and woke her from her sleep, just to prove I wasn't going crazy. It seems to effect me only during periods of stress and change in my life. Times when I am feeling low and doubting myself. For a while I was convinced that I was going to die at the age of 33. When my birthday came and went I knew that this was something positive, almost like my guardian angel letting me know everything is going as planned.

I have done some research and the bible is full of meaning for the number 3. The number three points us to what is real, essential, perfect, substantial, complete, and Divine. It also denotes the trinity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It also has special meaning for me and my daughters. My trio of three. When I turned 33 I decided to get the trinity tattooed on my foot. My daughters will also get the same tattoo when they are older. I don't think their is anything wrong with a friendly act of superstition or a lucky item as long as it's not taken too seriously. Good Luck!

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